IRS now sells poppers, Vaseline Knowing this day would come, but surprised it hasn't, exposes the new business the IRS is involved with, no stone left standing in the process. Current IRS commissioner Charles Rossotti stated in a news conference held today that "[W]e are trying to make the victims feel less victimized. The medical community asked us to do something after April 15th when the largest such ass raping occurred. The urologists specifically requested that we stop penetrating beyond the anus into the rectum. As a traditional policy, we are unable to comply with that request, however we will begin offering scented and colored lubes along with a vast array of non-Aspirin based painkillers. We hope this will cut down on the hospital visits and thank the community for their valuable input." David Coy Johnston of the New York Times, pointed out in his op-ed "This issue has been completely misconstrued by tax-protesters and really is a moot point. These radicals need to deal with the issue like the rest of us and pay their fair share. Sure there might be a little bleeding and discomfort, but that is the price you pay for living in such a great country. Also, in the past, we in the media tended to provide various lube products, we are committed to doing so in the future as well and appreciate your past compliance; please keep up the great work." Hilary swears by them... The greatest thing about anal sex is you never have kids you have to worry about so much that you get them chipped... "Following the recent abduction of ten year olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, the Mirror reports that Wendy and Paul Duval have decided to implant their daughter, Danielle, with "a microchip to track her every move. "If she was kidnapped her exact location would be discovered via a computer." Face It: Mental Health Isn't for Everyone.
participants (1)
Matthew X