CDR: Investors Have Money! Looking for Additional Investors!
Hello! Are you an investor or would you be interested in investing in startup or existing businesses? Are you looking for an investor for your company... please fill out questionnaire and appropriate fields! ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED THAT PERTAIN TO YOUR SITUATION! W e'll put the investors in contact with companies needing capital investments. All you have to do is fill out this questionnaire and fax it to us and we will match your investment interests with companies seeking investors. Here is a sample of the areas investors are needed: Portals, Internet Technologies, Real Estate Investment, Foreclosures, Mortgage, Online Malls, Telecommunications, Business Startups, Business Expansion, and etc. Company Name: _______________________________ First name: ___________________________________ Last name: ___________________________________ Street: _______________________________________ City: ________________________________________ State: _______________________________________ Country: _____________________________________ Zip Code: ______________________________ Email Address: _______________________________ Best Time to reach you?: _________________ What is your Time Zone?: ________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell phone: ____________________________ Fax: __________________________________ Preferred Method of contact: Phone Email Fax How Much Willing to Invest? $______________ Terms: ________________________________ Venture Capital: Yes or No Loans: Yes or No Grants: Yes or No Please Specify Investment of interest: _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ You can specify or just select ALL investments! Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________ This information is confidential and WILL NOT BE RESOLD or devulged without a subpoena. You will only be contacted by investment interest. We guarantee you will not be contacted unless you specify the interest area. Looking for an Investor?: Yes or No What kind of business venture?: ___________ ______________________________________ How many Yrs. in Business: ______________ Purpose: ______________________________ ______________________________________ Please Fax This application to 1-309-414-6969 Please do not respond to this email because a human will not look view it. Thanks!
participants (1)