I hope this war puts an end to PC nonsense

I was flipping through the channels and came across a Peter Jennings/ABC show, something about "Talk Back America" or "Our Children Speak Out" or somesuch PC gobbledegook. Predictably, an Oriental girl of about 12-14 was "sharing": "We need to understand that terrorism comes from the hatred within our hearts." I think even normally-PC Jennings saw the brainwashed stupidity in this and moved on to the next child...a second later I flipped the channel. That so many millions of children are programmed to mutter about how "bigotry is our most important problem" and "terrorism comes from our hearts" shows how far we've sunk into the miasma of political correctness. I hope if nothing else good comes from recent events, at least we see the death of crap like this. --Tim May
participants (1)
Tim May