On news.admin.policy, a 'nym' called Nowhere, Man called somebody an asshole and told them to fuck off. Someone objected, and Nowhere responded:
You're right, and I'm really sorry if my insults got somebody bent out of shape. I just think some people deserve to get flamed once in a while. Also, the mail return address doesn't work becuase this message goes therough a chain of other remailers before it gets to JUlf's base. So netnews is the only way to get messages to me. Hey, maybe there should be a board just for messages to nyms. Crypted, even. How about it, news.admin.policy phreaks, should we put it to a vote? Nowhere, Man .
Apparently it is in fact possible to chain remailers now. I assume that he is chaining through cypherpunks remailers into penet. I'm curious to know which remailer is being used for this purpose? Perhaps we could add a description of how to do this to the documentation. My guess is that "Nowhere" reads this list. Hal
participants (1)