CDR: Stu Baker making an ass of himself at Surveillance by Desgn
In Mr Baker, who served as the General Counsel (senior lawyer) of the U.S. National Security Agency from 1992-1994, began his speech in "anonymous" disguise, wearing a large black cycle mask and a baseball cap turned back to front. He made a series of rude remarks about himself and others, in an attempt to show the dangers of what he called "the anonymity industry". The audience appeared baffled by his conduct. Does anyone have pictures online? ...later... Former NSA counsel Stuart Baker cited ZKS a week later as a leading member of the "anonymity industry" and claimed "in the long term, law enforcement will find ways to make anonymity partial". Companies like ZKS, he threatened, could in some countries face civil discovery suits, or even "could be charged with complicity in crime". Its "something to keep your eyes on", he added with apparent enthusiasm. We know who we should keep an eye on, Stu baby
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