Re: Computerized OTP (was 5th AMENDMENT & DECRYPTION)

Thug writes,
The other possibility is to find a truly random RF source that has all the properties you want, the more important being that the >average< length of a homogenous bit run (0's or 1's) is around 4 or 5 bits.
"All the properties you want?" What you want is random, and nothing else! Random isn't "average bit runs of 4 or 5 bits". It isn't "nice white noise". It is TRULY RANDOM! You need to understand that the absolutely critical property for a one time pad bit-stream to have is this: given all previous bits seen, the probability that the next bit seen will be zero or one is exactly 0.5. What you need is a method for converting a biased random number stream (say, one where after a run of zeroes, another zero has high probability) into an unbiased one where the probability of the next bit being zero is exactly 0.5. Truncating runs to length 5 is an attempt at this, but a VERY BAD and cryptographically useless attempt. Does anybody remember a good recipe for converting a biased RNG into an unbiased one? I can't think of one off the top of my head, and that's what Thug's friend seems to need. This has been discussed at length in the literature. -- Marc Ringuette (

"All the properties you want?" What you want is random, and nothing else! all previous bits seen, the probability that the next bit seen will be zero or one is exactly 0.5. Note that in practice, the length of a string of 1's or 0' is irrelevant: The chance of a string of length N being all the same is O(2^N), so becomes unlikely for reasonably short strings of bits (1 in 1024 for 10 bits), and virtually impossible for interesting sizes of N (1 in 4 billion for 32 bits). This doesn't even strike as being worht the effort of figuring out how badly the OTP is compromised by shortening such runs. Remember how badly our intuitions are on things like security. Believe the numbers, not your gut feel. dean
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