(certificate-less) digital signatures can secure ATM card payments on the internet (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 08:51:41 -0700 From: Lynn.Wheeler@firstdata.com To: cryptography@wasabisystems.com Subject: (certificate-less) digital signatures can secure ATM card payments on the internet press release ("digital signatures can secure ATM card payments on the Internet") http://www.nacha.org/news/news/pressreleases/2001/PR072301/pr072301.htm results http://internetcouncil.nacha.org/Projects/ISAP_Results/isap_results.htm the report http://internetcouncil.nacha.org/Projects/ISAP_Results/ISAPresultsDocument-F... includes the following from the above ... The "real-world" viability of the proposed ANSI X9.59 standard concept for electronic payments using public/private key pairs, which is also known as Account Authority Digital Signature (AADS), was validated by the ISAP Pilot results. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using PKI without digital certificates, thereby minimizing infrastructure requirements and costs for utilizing the ISAP process. ============================ The rfi for the above: http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/nacharfi.htm additional information on x9.59 and AADS http://www.garlic.com/~lynn nacha web site http://www.nacha.org/ nacha organization Welcome to NACHA Welcome to the web site of NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association. Here you will find the latest information on the innovative and dynamic world of electronic payments. Electronic payments of all kinds are used frequently by people, companies, and government agencies as a safe, reliable and convenient way to conduct business. Direct Deposit is used for payroll, travel and expense reimbursements, annuities and pensions, dividends, and government payments such as Social Security and Veterans benefits. Other types of electronic payments are frequently used for bill payments, retail purchases, Internet purchases, corporate payments and treasury management, and for the provision of food stamps and other government cash assistance. NACHA is a not-for-profit trade association that develops operating rules and business practices for the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network and for other areas of electronic payments. NACHA activities and initiatives facilitate the adoption of electronic payments in the areas of Internet commerce, electronic bill payment and presentment (EBPP), financial electronic data interchange (EDI), international payments, electronic checks, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) and student lending. We also promote the use of electronic payment products and services, such as Direct Deposit and Direct Payment. NACHA represents more than 12,000 financial institutions through our network of regional ACH associations. We have over 600 members in our seven industry councils and corporate Affiliate Membership program. I hope you will find this web site to be a valuable resource. Please come again! --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cryptography Mailing List Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to majordomo@wasabisystems.com
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Jim Choate