Re: [ZS] IMPORTANT: Delegation, decentralization, personal initiative & flying the ZS flag

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 8:01 AM, <> wrote:
Basically I'm going to keep churning away doing everything I can, and setting up infrastructure that helps everyone else to be as effective as possible, but at the same time everyone else needs to just run with their
There are bits of infrastructure that the rest of us can set up, Amon. The Zero State wants to use the Tor network to communicate, yes? So, let's set up Tor nodes. All of us. Not necessarily exit nodes or routers - not everyone's in a position to do that - but to run a Tor hidden service you don't need to run an exit node or router, just a Tor client. Tor in client mode is perfectly capable of making arbitrary TCP-based services available on the Tor network, in fact that's how Torchat works. There are some services we've been talking about for nearly a year now, from a private link aggregator ala to a distributed software development and revision control system. Let's set a few of these things up as Tor services, spread the .onion URLs out of band (i.e. not on this mailing list) and hammer on them. For those of us who use IRC, set up #zerostate channels if they don't exist already (or join the ones that do) so we can have a presence. Let's set up a Tor-only Zero State IRC server, for that matter.
ZS isn't just the people on this list, or the official members register, or the facebook group, or the blog readers or whatever. It is all of us, PLUS the people we personally go out there to connect with.
If you're involved in any projects (and a lot of us are) there isn't any harm in stating that you're a member of the Zero State in addition to being a dev on $project.
1) What am I interested in or working on that fits with the ZS spirit? Whatever that thing is, THAT is the ZS you need to be promoting and engaging with!
Again, practically all of us on this mailing list have projects running in the background. Let's collaborate on them. Project Byzantium (my pet project) needs translators for the control panel, the captive portal, and some other stuff. We're refactoring code right now but when we get i18n going I could really use some help with that. I'm willing to try out some transcranial electrostimulation systems to see how well they work on my non-standard neurology, plus I'm going to need to cram a few languages for some overseas travel coming up, so I'd like to see if I can do an "I know Kung-Fu" while under the electrical influence. What else does everyone have? What are we willing to put even two hours toward on someone else's project? -- The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS] "I am everywhere." -- -- Zero State mailing list: ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a> ______________________________________________________________ ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A 7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE
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Bryce Lynch