Tom.Jennings@f111.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG sez
Well, remailers are working, admittedly a bit clunky at the moment,
Okay, here's something easy to implement: a "From: stripper" specifically for the cypherpunks address, like, . The point is that all you have to do to use it is to have the address. The same for the following ideas: Harder: something that takes mail to arbitrary "user ids" at its machine and remails based on them, so you could send to me at, say, . Harder: take a long encrypted address as the user id. Do mail systems allow arbitrary length user ids? Anyway, you'd be mailing to things like: I realize these things have weaknesses beyond the kazoo, but wadaya think? -fnerd (FutureNerd Steve Witham)
The mail handling stuff we discussed at the last cypherpunks meeting will implement what you requested. The particular thing that hadn't occurred to me in what you said is that a mailing list supplier could provide those extra services of anonymity in a way very accessible to users of the mailing list. That could make such anonymity slightly easier to spread. dean
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