In thinking more about Eric's proposal for a terminal program, I can see the value in putting in the hooks for stream encryption even if we don't implement it right away. That should be one of the points of this software, to have it be easily expandable. So we would want to make it so that a layer could be inserted just above the serial I/O layer which would do transparent encryption. The mechanism for creating the shared keys could be added later, perhaps. We are seeing a lot of different suggestions here, which is good at this point. Some of the issues: Overall functionality To keep our focus: we want something which will help the average computer user who has a PC or something similar at home be able to use encryption easily in sending and receiving email. The problem is that people send and receive mail in very many different ways. So we propose to provide a very flexible and extensible solution that can be adapted to many situations. This leads to the idea of a terminal program with built-in encryption, since most people can use a terminal program to get their mail. This would not be aimed at people running UUCP or similar fancy protocols on their home machines. They must be pretty sophisticated to get this stuff working. PGP and RIPEM already come with a bunch of scripts to let them be used in Unix and similar environments. (Maybe I'm mistaken, though, in thinking that good solutions already exist for these people. I don't know much about this mode of operation.) Build or Buy Do we roll our own or do we try to tap into an existing program? Among existing terminal programs, do we: try to provide add-ons to widely used commercial or shareware programs (for which we don't have source); try to convince the authors of these programs to make the changes we desire; or find such a program which has source available (e.g. kermit) and take that as our starting point? Target OS We have seen suggestions for DOS, Windows, Unix, and Linux (about which I know nothing). DOS and Windows are the biggest target market and the most likely to be used by the naive users we are trying to help, IMO. It would not be too hard to write for DOS but to isolate the OS dependencies so it could be easily moved to Unix (and perhaps Linux). But the DOS vs Windows decision is more fundamental. More generally, it is the command-line vs GUI decision. It's very hard to write code which is portable across these two approaches. I would lean towards the command line approach because it is easier to write portable code, in my experience (portable between DOS and Unix, say, is easier than portable between Windows, X, and Mac). But just fixing on Windows is another option. Serial Interface Focusing on DOS, apparently there are several ways of interfacing to the serial port. I know nothing about these. The main issues would be portability - does it require the user to have some third-party software, or to run on only a limited subset of PC clones - and efficiency - can we run at 9.6 or 14.4 Kbaud? What solutions accomplish both of these? And what if we went with Windows? Does that narrow our options? User Interface I still think this is one of the harder issues. How exactly can we make this easy to use? Can anyone suggest a non-magical (e.g. no mind-reading) but still ideal interface for encryption? I kind of liked Greg's suggestion of using the rollback buffer for decryption - when it sees an encrypted message go by it automatically decrypts it and offers it to the user to see. I'm not exactly sure what you do with it then, though. It would be helpful for me to hear more about how people read and send mail on their home computers, in some detail. If Mike Diehl got enough responses to his survey that would be good to hear about, too. Hal Finney
According to
It would be helpful for me to hear more about how people read and send mail on their home computers, in some detail. If Mike Diehl got enough responses to his survey that would be good to hear about, too.
I've gotten a bunch! I'm storing the messages in a file which will later be edited. Then I'll tally everything up. Expect results on the list monday. Of course this means that if you haven't replied to my poll, you need to do so by saturday night, mountain time. Well, now I will describe how I send/receive mail on my system, the killer 8086-8 from Hell! ;^) I've been hyping my setup on this list for about a month. But since I've partially implimented a system like what we have been discussing, I'll give more details. First, my system configuration: MACHINE: AT&T 6300 PC HARDWARE: 640K, CGA, 1-360K fd, 1-20M hd. OS: PMS-DOS 3.1 and 4DOS 4.02 COMM PROGRAM: Telix 3.15 As you can see, I am developing for the low-end computer...... ;^) My email system is composed of (basicly) 2 files, a telix script, and a 4dos batch file. The telix script, at the moment, assumes it is already logged into my unix account. Then it does a 'frm' command and finds out how many NEW messages are in; it would actually be easier to simply dload all of my messages, but this is a bit more usefull. Anyway, it dloads them one at a time onto my pc using zmodem. Once on my machine, the script extracts From: and Subject: information from the message. Then it finds a unique filename to give the new message. This information is then stored in a form usable by the batch file, later. After it has done all this, it quits elm, and does some housekeeping. At this point, the communications program is finished and the mail is on my pc ready to read. Under an automatic implimentation (for, say a pay-as-you-go system) this can be done without any human intervention. After the messages have been collected, I, of course, want to read them. To do this, I run the mail.bat program. I am then presented with a menu allowing me to Create, Encrypt, Send, Read, Delete mail. Create, Encrypt, and Delete are trivial and don't lend much to this discussion. Read presents a menu of messages from the data file created by the telix script. At the moment, when a user selects a message to read, I use pgp to view it even if it is not encrypted. That can be fixed later. To send a message, you first have to have a file containing the message, duh. The user is asked for the name of this file, the address of the recipient, and a subject to use. This is information is then stored in a form usable by a third telix script. Ok, I lied, there are 3 files needed by my system. ;^) The actuall sending process is simple. The telix script reads the message information and starts elm, supplying the address and subject when asked. Then when it gets into vi, it ascii uploads the message directly into vi. This may seem kludgy, but it is rather portable since almost every online service lets you enter a message into an editor. Overall, the system works pretty well. I've still got a few bugs, mostly speed- related. But there is room for a lot of improvement. Here is what I would like to impliment. I'd like to have "encryption detection" which would allow my system to use the appropriate decryption software for message reading. If a message isn't coded, it should use I'd also like to expand "encryption detection" to recognize several types of encryption, pgp, pem, ripem, des, my-bitchin-crypto, etc. The telix script could tag the message as it s dloaded. I'd like to be able to use the system on many online services. The telix script could check the phone directory to see which system is it on. Then, when any system-specific stuff has to be done, such as starting the mail program on the host, a special function can be called to do that function on that host. The ascii up/down loading is fairly constant, and the local file manipulation doesn't depend on the host. At the moment, I am working on a Reply function. I know how I'm going to do it, I just haven't done it yet. More later. Well, if you have followed my this far, you either crazy or interested. ;^) It puzzles me why we are contemplating writing our own comm package when so many good ones are out there that can be made to serve our purposes. I'm open to comments..... Fire away! +-----------------------+-----------------------------+---------+ | J. Michael Diehl ;-) | I thought I was wrong once. | PGP KEY | | | But, I was mistaken. |available| | | | Ask Me! | | (505) 299-2282 +-----------------------------+---------+ | | +------"I'm just looking for the opportunity to be -------------+ | Politically Incorrect!" <Me> | +-----If codes are outlawed, only criminals wil have codes.-----+ +----Is Big Brother in your phone? If you don't know, ask me---+
It puzzles me why we are contemplating writing our own comm package when so many good ones are out there that can be made to serve our purposes.
Reliability. Scripts do not easily handle error conditions that might result in lost mail. They're fine for a few, but they aren't for all. Integration. Remembering what to do next is a large hurdle. Eric
According to Eric Hughes:
Itpuzzles mewhy weare contemplating writing our own comm package when so many good ones are out there that can be made to serve our purposes.
Reliability. Scripts do not easily handle error conditions that might result in lost mail. They're fine for a few, but they aren't for all.
Well, this is a problem with any nontrivial program. But a script has going for it several very high-level constructs. As people use any software, the author will undoubtably have to improve it. So, what is the difference if he has to improve a script or a comm program?
Integration. Remembering what to do next is a large hurdle.
That's why we have scripts in the first place! Scripts' main purpose is to automate things. How is this different with a comm program? You still have to remember how to use it.... +-----------------------+-----------------------------+---------+ | J. Michael Diehl ;-) | I thought I was wrong once. | PGP KEY | | | But, I was mistaken. |available| | | | Ask Me! | | (505) 299-2282 +-----------------------------+---------+ | | +------"I'm just looking for the opportunity to be -------------+ | Politically Incorrect!" <Me> | +-----If codes are outlawed, only criminals wil have codes.-----+ +----Is Big Brother in your phone? If you don't know, ask me---+
Well, now I will describe how I send/receive mail on my system, the killer 8086-8 from Hell! ;^) I've been hyping my setup on this list for about a month. But since I've partially implimented a system like what we have been discussing, I'll give more details.
I'm rather surprised that nobody has mentioned UUPC. It's PD, runs on plain-vanilla DOS, and allows automatic, batched mail traffic (and even netnews) to/from your local PC. On your host (typically an UNIX box) you configure sendmail/smail/binmail/whatever to forward your mail over uucp to your home machine. On the home machine, you simply configure UUCP to poll when needed, and transfer the stuff down onto your local disk. From there you can use UUPC's local mail reader (or any mail package you want), and the replies get spooled to a spool directory, and uploaded automatically the next time you (or the software) opens the connection. Automatic polling, automatic bi-directional batch file transfer, insertion of encryption trivial.... I use it to read and reply to my mail while on the beach, using a notebook computer and a cellular phone... The ability to efficiently batch transfer the stuff makes a *big* difference if you are paying cellular rates... Julf
On your host (typically an UNIX box) you configure sendmail/smail/binmail/whatever to forward your mail over uucp to your home machine.
This is a huge hurdle for people who don't own their own machines and haven't convinced a sympathetic sysadmin to do the configuration. A solution that works from a dialup login account can still be a batch solution and should require no extra involvement from the sysadmins. Eric
On your host (typically an UNIX box) you configure sendmail/smail/binmail/whatever to forward your mail over uucp to your home machine.
This is a huge hurdle for people who don't own their own machines and haven't convinced a sympathetic sysadmin to do the configuration.
Yes. Sorry. Brain disengaged. Been my own sysadmin for 10 years now, so it just didn't occur to me... :-( Julf
participants (4)
Eric Hughes
J. Michael Diehl
Johan Helsingius