What's up with the mixmaster list from publius.net? Why are half the remailers down, have the dead remailers been compromised? I'm down to using just five remailers if I want to get my message thru! Is there a better list? Can I make my own lists? This is the list of reliable mixmasters. Last update: Wed 28 Feb 101 6:16:54 PST mixmaster history latency uptime -------------------------------------------- austria **-**+**+*** 12:05 100.00% <-- dizum **-********* 13:35 99.99% <-- randseed **-+++++++-- 38:33 99.98% <-- shinn **-********* 13:55 99.98% <-- squirrel ----------++ 1:34:39 99.94% noisebox ++-+*++*++++ 24:59 99.93% <-- farout ----------- 8:17:25 99.84% riot ----------- 5:40:34 99.34% cmeclax -...-.-...- 21:54:53 99.29% lcs +--+++--++ 1:03:18 99.03% passthru _.-+---- -- 3:02:10 98.64% cracker ------. - + 2:13:16 97.89% bruble2 _ 158:04:25 47.34% septic 10:06:11 0.00% xganon 2:31:21 0.00% bilgates 1:31:07 0.00% arick 1:19:12 0.00% mix 17:45:02 0.00% hyper2 3:22:56 0.00% orange 1:41:01 0.00% stealth 32:31 0.00% cracow 65:12:15 0.00% rot13 40:19:05 0.00% History key # response in less than 5 minutes. * response in less than 1 hour. + response in less than 4 hours. - response in less than 24 hours. . response in less than 2 days. _ response in more than 2 days.
participants (1)
A. Melon