At 07:20 AM 10/3/01 -0500, measl@mfn.org wrote:
An excellent technical analysis from the RIAA legal dept. Any errors of transcription are likely my own - see the original at
for as long as it is there...
My favorite part is the last paragraph, where they talk of getting FastTrack to roll over on MusicCity!
I wonder if they violated any terms in the EULA during their reverse engineering.. Material Contribution o FastTrack [XEROX] creates and licenses software primarily used for the reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works. o FastTrack [ADOBE] created and controls encryption that ensures that the network remains closed and insulated from outside monitoring. o [YAHOO] Provides a dynamic list of available supernodes where content can be exchanged (possibly through the .38 server). o [YAHOO/GOOGLE] Continually updates the list of available supernodes and communicates that information to users (likely through the .34 server). o [YAHOO] FastTrack, MusicCity and Grockster maintain log-in servers.
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Subcommander Bob