-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- =============== BEGIN README ============= PGPcompose 1.0 (c) 1993 Nate Sammons PGPcompose is a C program (that needs to be compiled, oddly enough) that is designed to allow for easy incorporation of digital signatures and encryption with PGP (from Phil Zimmerman). It may be necessary to change some of the calls within PGPcompose, so that it will access the right mailer (it is set to /usr/lib/sendmail) etc... It should be placed somewhere in your path, or that you modify your path (in ~/.cshrc) so that it is. I plan to expand PGPcompose's abilities so that it will be a complete mailer package ready for use... hopefully! I want to add support for replys and for mail management. BTW, this software carries no warranty, and if in the use of it you break something, it's not my fault (this for all you legaleese-speakers out there...) - -Nate Sammons, July 18, 1993 +-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Nate Sammons email: nate@VIS.ColoState.Edu | Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory | Finger nate@monet.VIS.ColoState.Edu for my PGP key | #include <std.disclaimer> | "I have but one single desire - to tear down the sky" -A. Toomba | Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? +----------------------+ FIGHT THE CLIPPER! =============== END README ================ =============== BEGIN COMP.C ================= #include <stdio.h> char version[] = "1.1"; int includeFile; char fileToInclude[100]; int PID; int signMess, cryptMess; char CCwho[130]; char BCCwho[130]; char subject[130]; char toWho[130]; char cryptWho[100]; char test[50]; char whoami[30]; char spoolName[100]; char tmpName[150]; char commandLine[300]; char scriptName[150]; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *tmp; FILE *message; FILE *messageHeader; char messageName[150]; char messageHeaderName[150]; char messageCypherName[150]; char theChoice[5]; int n, q; int getSub, getCC, getBCC; getSub = 1; getCC = 1; getBCC = 1; if((argc ==2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") ==0)) { printf("Useage: comp -s <subject> -c <Cc list> -b <Bcc list> <recipients>\n"); help(); } if(argc == 1) { system("/usr/ucb/mail"); exit(0); } PID = getpid(); sprintf(messageName, "/tmp/comp.mess.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(messageHeaderName, "/tmp/comp.head.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(tmpName, "tmp/comp.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(messageCypherName, "/tmp/comp.cypher.message.tmp.%d", PID); if(argc > 2) { for(n=1;n<argc;n++) { if(strcmp(argv[n], "-s") == 0) { getSub = 0; strcpy(subject, argv[n+1]); } if(strcmp(argv[n], "-c") == 0) { getCC = 0; strcpy(CCwho, argv[n+1]); } if(strcmp(argv[n], "-b") ==0) { getBCC = 0; strcpy(BCCwho, argv[n+1]); } } strcpy(toWho, argv[argc-1]); } message = fopen(messageName, "w"); if((getBCC == 1) && (getCC == 1) && (getSub == 1)) strcpy(toWho, argv[1]); printf("PGPcompose %s (c)1993 Nate Sammons\n", version); if(getSub == 1) { printf("Subject: "); gets(subject); } if(getCC == 1) { printf("Cc: "); gets(CCwho); } if(getBCC == 1) { printf("Bcc: "); gets(BCCwho); } fprintf(message, "To: %s\nSubject: %s\nCc: %s\nBcc: %s\n---EOH---\n\n", toWho, subject, CCwho, BCCwho); fclose(message); editIt: sprintf(commandLine, "/usr/ucb/vi %s", messageName); system(commandLine); extractHeader(); signIt: printf("Sign this message? [y,n] : "); gets(theChoice); switch(theChoice[0]) { case 'y': case 'Y': signMess = 1; break; case 'n': case 'N': signMess = 0; break; default: goto signIt; break; } cryptIt: printf("Encrypt this message? [y,n] : "); gets(theChoice); cypherWithWho: switch(theChoice[0]) { case 'y': case 'Y': strcpy( cryptWho, toWho); cryptMess = 1; break; case 'n': case 'N': cryptMess = 0; break; default: goto cryptIt; } Continue: printf("send, abort, edit? : "); gets(theChoice); switch(theChoice[0]) { case 's': case 'S': sendmail(); case 'a': case 'A': system("/bin/rm -rf /tmp/message*"); system("/bin/rm -rf /tmp/tmp.*"); exit(0); case 'e': case 'E': messageHeader = fopen(messageHeaderName, "a"); fprintf(messageHeader, "---EOH---\n"); fclose(messageHeader); sprintf(commandLine, "cat %s >> %s ; /bin/rm -rf %s ; mv %s %s", messageName, messageHeaderName, messageName, messageHeaderName, messageName); system(commandLine); goto editIt; default: goto Continue; } } #include <stdio.h> extractHeader() { char tmpName[150]; char messageName[150]; char messageHeaderName[150]; int pid; FILE *tmp; FILE *message; FILE *messageHeader; char commandLine[200]; char theLine[90]; char initTheLine[90]; int rc; int n=1; int q=0; pid = getpid(); sprintf(tmpName, "/tmp/comp.tmp.%d", pid); sprintf(messageName, "/tmp/comp.mess.tmp.%d", pid); sprintf(messageHeaderName, "/tmp/comp.head.tmp.%d", pid); tmp = fopen(tmpName, "w"); fclose(tmp); tmp = fopen(tmpName, "a"); message = fopen(messageName, "r"); messageHeader = fopen(messageHeaderName, "w"); fclose(messageHeader); messageHeader = fopen(messageHeaderName, "a"); while(n!=q) { fgets(theLine, 81, message); if((theLine[0] == '-') && (theLine[1] == '-') && (theLine[2] == '-') && (theLine[3] == 'E') && (theLine[4] == 'O') && (theLine[5] == 'H') && (theLine[6] == '-') && (theLine[7] == '-') && (theLine[8] == '-')) goto Continue; fprintf(messageHeader, "%s", theLine); } Continue: while(n!=q) { fgets(theLine, 81, message); if(feof(message)) goto keepGoing; fprintf(tmp, "%s", theLine); } keepGoing: fclose(message); fclose(messageHeader); fclose(tmp); sprintf(commandLine, "/bin/rm -rf %s", messageName); system(commandLine); sprintf(commandLine, "mv %s %s", tmpName, messageName); system(commandLine); } #include <stdio.h> sendmail() { FILE *script; int PID; extern int signMess, cryptMess; extern char CCwho[130]; extern char BCCwho[130]; extern char subject[130]; extern char toWho[130]; extern char cryptWho[100]; extern char test[50]; extern char whoami[30]; extern char tmpName[150]; char messageName[150]; char messageHeaderName[150]; char messageCypherName[150]; extern char commandLine[300]; char scriptName[150]; PID = getpid(); sprintf(messageName, "/tmp/comp.mess.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(messageHeaderName, "/tmp/comp.head.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(tmpName, "tmp/comp.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(messageCypherName, "/tmp/comp.cypher.message.tmp.%d", PID); sprintf(scriptName, "/tmp/comp.script.%d", PID); if((signMess == 1) && (cryptMess == 1)) { script = fopen(scriptName, "w"); fprintf(script, "cat %s | pgp -feast \"%s\" > %s\n", messageName, cryptWho, messageCypherName); fclose(script); sprintf(commandLine, "chmod +x %s", scriptName); system(commandLine); system(scriptName); sprintf(commandLine, "cat %s >> %s ; cat %s | /usr/lib/sendmail -t", messageCypherName, messageHeaderName, messageHeaderName); system(commandLine); } if((signMess == 1) && (cryptMess == 0)) { sprintf(commandLine, "cat %s | pgp -fast +clearsig=on > %s\n", messageName, messageCypherName); system(commandLine); sprintf(commandLine, "cat %s >> %s ; cat %s | /usr/lib/sendmail -t", messageCypherName, messageHeaderName, messageHeaderName); system(commandLine); } if((signMess == 0) && (cryptMess == 1)) { script = fopen(scriptName, "w"); fprintf(script, "cat %s | pgp -fea \"%s\" > %s\n", messageName, cryptWho, messageCypherName); fclose(script); sprintf(commandLine, "chmod +x %s", scriptName); system(commandLine); system(scriptName); sprintf(script, "cat %s >> %s ; cat %s | /usr/lib/sendmail -t", messageCypherName, messageHeaderName, messageHeaderName); system(commandLine); } if((signMess == 0) && (cryptMess == 0)) { sprintf(commandLine, "cat %s >> %s ; cat %s | /usr/lib/sendmail -t", messageName, messageHeaderName, messageHeaderName); system(commandLine); } sprintf(commandLine, "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/comp.*.%d", PID); system(commandLine); } #include<stdio.h> help() { printf("\n\n"); printf("PGPcompose 1.1, (c) 1993 Nate Sammons\n\n"); printf("This is a utility to let people who do not have perl to\n"); printf("use PGP from within standard bsd mail with ease. This\n"); printf("application relies on general UNIX system calls for several\n"); printf("of it's functions. It is meant to be fairly easy to use, and \n"); printf("as unintrusive as possible. For reading mail, I recomend setting\n"); printf("the PAGER variable in your ~/.mailrc file to \"pgp -mf\".\n\n"); printf("If you like this program, send me mail. If you don't like something,\n"); printf("tell me what you don't like.\n\n -Nate Sammons, nate@vis.colostate.edu\n\n"); exit(0); } ============================ END COMP.C =================== I hope you like it. - -nate sammons +-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Nate Sammons email: nate@VIS.ColoState.Edu | Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory | Finger nate@monet.VIS.ColoState.Edu for my PGP key | #include <std.disclaimer> | "I have but one single desire - to tear down the sky" -A. Toomba | Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? +----------------------+ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.3 iQCUAgUBLEnu7dTgi1fmrpxlAQE/JwP3XmktT5YFe5sQ/28YunJigm0CPGVKRgxS 3MqfbCGDEqmGz3tpXfaPsHvgNCl0H71Wb3sxbqLgQi30FYKrqA8f+VEF0XlyMNJC hWCBL0PwZQbQGFKThz7/Tj/dtxUWOksbaV/2mRo66avlULpDAY2PsAyAIe1HksE3 TUmCUQOyWg== =qR9G -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (1)