to: "After shrinks found Elledge competent, [William] Jaquette [Elledge's Court Appointed Attorney] represented his client's death wishes, which was difficult because of his passionate opposition to the death penalty. "Everybody in a free society, Jaquette says, has the right to choose and direct his own defense." ~'Witness To An Execution,' Michael Hood Seattle Weekly, September 6, 2001 What a CrockOfShit!!! During my trial, Judge Robert Bryan forced Court Appointed Counsel (Gene Grantham) upon me, against my wishes, and the "right to choose and direct [my] own defense," disappeared faster than Jalapenos screaming through a Rat's AssHole. Contrary to all legal precedent, Judge Bryan decided that I was FitToBeTried, but not fit to represent myself, clearing the way for Court Appointed Counsel to refuse to mount a viable defense, and thus ThrowingMeToTheDogs. Three judges on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals also declared a defendant's "right to choose and direct his own defense" to be a LaughAbleJoke easily circumvented on the smallest of pretexes in the Ninth Circuit. Thus, Mr. Jaquette's lame excuse to having "represented his client as his professional ethics require" is nothing more than an obvious attempt to deny his own willing complicity in the MURDER of his client. Would Mr. Jaquette have us believe that his ethics are of a higher than those of Judge Bryan and the members of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals? That the Judges of the Ninth Circuit Court can ethically refuse a defendant charged with merely threating someone the "right to choose and direct his own defense," but Mr. Jaquette cannot ethically refuse to participate in the MURDER of a client charged with murder? When Mr. Jaquette stated "the death penalty makes killers of us all," he was obviously not speaking for the Judges of the Ninth Circuit Court, but merely for himself. I find it ironic that Mr. Elledge could be 'ethically' MURDERED by his Court Appointed Attorney, but not by the Ninth Circuit Judges who participated in my case, since their view is that the 'right' Mr. Jaqauette cites to excuse his complicity in the MURDER of his client does not exist. I can't help but wonder if, had Elledge chosen hanging instead of injection, Mr. Jaquette would not have been one of the 'witnesses' hollering, "Jump! Jump!" Sincerely, Carl E. Johnson #05987-196 "Proud To Be A Felon In Ameri%a" ['%' Is4Swastika] [4343 Lincoln Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056 (917)861-2044] ===== CJ Parker #05987-196 "Proud To Be A Felon In Ameri%a!" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger
participants (1)
CJ Parker