Jim Bell Justified???
During my PreTrial InFarceRation, at a time when the Federal GovernMint was attempting to pressure me into giving up my right to an extradition hearing, Linda Lou informed me that Jeff Gordon had asked her to tell me that if I waived extradition, that I would be able to get proper medical treatment once I was extradited to Washington. This, of course, turned out to be a BaldFacedLie, but regardless, one has to ask oneself what kind of LowLifeBottomSuckingScum would attempt to pressure a citizen into giving up one's legal rights by suggesting that relief from medical torture and abuse is conditional upon making one's prosecution, and unavoidable conviction, easier for the GooberMint. There is a reason that the Feds object to the Citizens paying too close a scrutiny to them personally. It is because Federal Employees who use their positions to ShitOnTheConstitution and commit Ethical Atrocities understandably live in Fear of the Citizens. Jim Bell's prosecution did not reflect his danger to anybody, but his danger to the Fears of the Justice Criminals who recognize that, according to the Values&OR&Ethics of the Founding Fathers, THEY [TM] would be Targets... In Reality, THEY [TM] Prosecute Only ThemSelves... FuckTheseMorons!Monger #05987-196
participants (1)
CJ Parker