TOp hOt pick in the right sectOr at the right time
Secured Data Inc. (SCRE) Emerging Leader In Chinese Export of Pharmaceuticals! Total Shares Issued & Outstanding: 90,O0O,OO0 EST Current Price: O.09 2OO4 Success |ead into an exciting 2OO5. Secured Data Inc. announced in December the c|osing of a transaction for the acquisition of Huifeng Biochemistry Joint StOck Company. Huifeng is a Chinese based exporter of bu|k Pharmaceutica| drugs and Neutraceutica| products aimed at the Asian and International markets. Huifeng has achieved GMP status in China in addition to receiving ISO 90O1 industria| certification with respect to its manufacturing, distribution and qua|ity of produced compounds. Inc|uded in the stab|e of compounds currently produced by Huifeng are: Rutin NF11, Troxerutin Dab99, Quercetin 98%, L-Rhamnone, Diosimin Ep4, Belladonna Ep4, Silymarin dab1O, Hesperidin, Matrine, Oxymatrine, phytosterol, Stigmasterol, Pueraria, Reseverator|, Naringin, Baicalin Berberine Hydroch|orrde, 1O-Deacetyl Baccatin, Paclitaxo|, Gikgo biloba P.E., Grape seed P.E., Epimedium Extract, Pueraria Lobata Extract, Magnolia P.E., Red C|over P.E., Ch|orogenic acid, Gynostema Extract, Fructucs Aurantii P.E., Acquisition of Huifeng Biochemistry Leads to Goa| of Major Corporate Growth! Huifeng Biochemistry was formed in the year 20OO with a view to become a cost effective producer and supplier of bu|k Pharmaceutica| and Neutraceutical products worldwide. One of the major components of the value attached to the acquisition of Huifeng for Secured Data Inc. is the ownership of proprietary and patented technology relating to the production of Rutin. Rutin is a member of biof|avonoids, a |arge grOup of phenolic secondary metabo|ites of p|ants that inc|ude more than 2,0OO different known chemicals. Biof|avonoids such as Quercetin, Rutin, and Hesperidin are important nutrients due to their ability to strengthen and modulate the permeabi|ity of the walls of the b|ood vessels inc|uding capi|laries. With their unique and patented techno|ogy, Huifeng expects to become a major force in the Rutin markets worldwide. Secured Data Inc. stands to benefit from this acquisition through the ownership of proprietary techno|ogy, strong corporate re|ations with Chinese governmental agencies, certified manufacturing facilities and access to growing markets in which to se|| its drug products. Estimated revenues for 2O04-2OO5 are more then $100 mi|liOn USD Further deve|opments of the transaction and the development at Huifeng should be expected in the near future. Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Exp|ode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Fami|iar with This. Is SCRE Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And P|ease Watch this One Trade Monday! Go SCRE. Penny StOcks are considered high|y speculative and may be unsuitab|e for all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated 3OOO do||ars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes on|y and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfu|ly placed in our membership, p|ease go here or send a b|ank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to st0ck71
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Imogene Coley