George wrote:
At 06:34 =EC=EC 13/11/1996 -0500, Mark M. wrote: (in response to):
Governments maintain a monopoly on land, so the "love it or leave it"= mentality is flawed. Virtual space does not have the same limitations as physical space. Starting your own mailing list is relatively easy. Not at all easy, for a lot of people. Moreover, it's very time-consuming. It's only easy if you are prepared to put up with costs of time, money, and also... service providers (who don't always agree with you)...
It is not that difficult in term of money or access to start a mailing list. I believe there is a equation that operates in life that goes something like this: Intelligence + Money + Time * will = Results As one goes up, the other two can drop. Will is kinda nebulous, but is always less than result. I am not a rocket scientist, but I was able to get majordomo to work (to a degree) on a server I own, yes, I own the server, and no, I don't pay for it with cash. I do a favor for someone, and they gave me the machine (http://www.encodex.com/~pov to see the favor). The access is provided by some people I occasionally do work for, as long as the machine is not causing a problem, or too much bandwidth, they let me run it. This would make the equation: Intelligence + money + time * will = Result Some + 0 + a bit * some = A server with 4 or 5 mailing lists.
In a lot of places in the world, starting mailing lists is almost impossible unless you can be _inside_ an Internet Provider Company (and use Unix or whatever they use, in their own machines).
A simple mailing list could simply be a 8 dollar a month email account with a long .forward file.
Man you're nutts. There are very few and quite vast Media Companies in the world, and they're on the verge of becoming monopolies.
For every "tentacle" of the Vast Media Conglomerates, there is some loose nut with a photocopier (or access to Kinko's).
Even your American President is in reality a puppet of the Trilateral Commission, who effectively also control CNN, the Washington Post, and many many many other things all over the world.
WHO is nuts?
And you are saying that control of the media by ownership is impossible? You're far out maaan! :-) Only in America such a naive opinion could actually be _believed_. (here I go again... aga! :-) ) George P.S. Even if you offered me a million dollars I'd stay away from your country. My sanity is much more valuable. :-) (The Immigration Authorities in the U.S. have missed the point: We DON'T want to come to you guys. It's the last thing we'd want!)
One of these days reality is going to hit you like a runaway freight train. Petro, Christopher C. petro@suba.com <prefered for any non-list stuff> snow@smoke.suba.com