On Wednesday, January 1, 2003, at 04:50 AM, <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
What's the latest news on Adelman's cryptological soup? Once his DNA crypto was touted as a substantial breakthrough for crypto, though since overshadowed by quantum crypto smoke-blowing.
No serious person could have believed that even a swimming pool full of Adleman's DNA would have made a dent in crypto. I know I discussed this shortly after the publicity about Adleman's work hit. Check the archives. I don't think you'll find any of us, or any cryptographers, arguing that it was "substantial breakthrough for crypto." If you do, please post.
Isn't it a given that crypto is never free of smoke-blowing -- for unbreakability or weakness?
Silly words.
On the Internet and the Intelnet and NSAnet there are no secure messages, only the illusion.
More silliness. --Tim May "As my father told me long ago, the objective is not to convince someone with your arguments but to provide the arguments with which he later convinces himself." -- David Friedman