-- James A. Donald:
If you call for the release of Saddam, or you justify 9/11, as the "anti-war" posters in this thread have been arguing, then indeed you are with the terrorists.
Bill Stewart
Saddam's not particularly related to the terrorists,
Those who want Saddam released, for the most part also rationalize 9/11 He may not be related to the terrorists, but his fans are related to the terrorists.
But making up pretenses for invasion any time people question your previous pretense is simply unprofessional.
The title of this thread is "I am anti war, you stupid evil scum are pro saddam." I do not support the invasion. I am not making up pretenses for the invasion.
If you want to have any pretense of caring about the Rule of Law, you need to stick to it even after capturing your enemies
This is war. Rule of law does not apply. Rules of war do apply. And rules of war say that the US army can not only give Saddam a dental examination, it can nail Saddam's head to a post in Baghdad with a nine inch nail, because he was captured out of uniform, administering the war effort while hiding amongst civilians.
Handing him to the ICC is fine, if you don't think drowning people in red tape is cruel&unusual
Handing him to the ICC is not fine, because the ICC is not going to execute him, and because the ICC is farcically incompetent, and because the ICC is dominated by the same tyrants who dominate the UN human rights commission, who might well choose to let him off. When I see how many people want to get him off, I more and more think the the USG needs to kill him quickly. The longer he lives, the greater the likelyhood that his international pals will pull him out of trouble, and eventually return him to power. The Nuremberg trials were held in Germany by the victors. Why this big desire to do something different this time around? I don't hear anyone except the usual Nazis whining that Nuremberg was illegitimate or unfair. --digsig James A. Donald 6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG ffvNRYuGrbqZTNb8D6gHcU9pscBMBdTQYoiW5UTS 4RbpAw5ZWrw71na8WBeLsb0wxGPk4N0JFG0QkwH12