rfg@monkeys.com (Ronald F. Guilmette) wrote:
Your looney maroon conspiracy theories that Ron Guilmette has been "stalking" you and is responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened to you are simply more evidence of your paranoid mental state.
I realize that you think that you are trying to do some good, but I'm going to ask you nicely to please stop all of this baiting of Burnore. Sure, he's basically kind of a dickhead, but what's the point?
I want to be really really clear about this... What you are doing is just making things worse. You aren't helping. In fact you are making things worse by feeding his paranoia. (And it isn't entirely clear from where I sit that he is entirely stable, so this is rather a dangerous thing for you to do... not for you of course... posting anonymously... but for me. It isn't you that's going to be signing hospital consent forms when you finally push this guy over the edge and make him go postal. I'd like you to consider that.)
If you have evidence to support that conclusion, then do us all a favor and give it to the authorities so that Gary Burnore can receive the help he needs. I can apreciate your motivation to appease him. In the past, he's displayed a tendency to shift his abuse and attacks to someone else (like Scott Dentice) when you've done that. But shifting the focus of his attacks doesn't end them. I doubt that you're even the PRIMARY focus of his tirades anymore, even though that seems to be the impression he's trying to give. Gary Burnore, Belinda Bryan, and the rest of the DataBasix wrecking crew seem to be on a power trip these days. The fact that he attempted to CONTROL you by posting embarassing information to the net and threatening to post more unless you stopped criticizing him gave us a glimpse of his real agenda. I doubt that discrediting Ron Guilmette forms more than a tiny fraction of his and Belinda's overall agenda. IMO, you and the fanciful charges he's made against you are only his excuse for doing what he's been doing.
P.P.S. If you have some beef about something that Burnore has done to _you_ then alright. Talk about that and only that. If I have a beef with Burnore please allow me the dignity of persuing that myself. I don't need your help, and I don't need you to defend me. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.
Exactly. You've got to do what you've got to do, and I must do likewise. Perhaps I don't know the entire background of what's going on here, and if you'd care to enlighten us all, then by all means feel free to do so. My involvement in this controversy started when my account at Mailmasher suddenly stopped working and I learned that one of Gary Burnore's buddies, Billy McClatchie (who calls himself "Wotan"), was behind the attack that shut it down. I might never have connected that attack to Gary until he and Belinda Bryan tried something similar against another remailer also operated by Jeff Burchell and Jeff chose to go public with an expose (post-mortem, unfortunately) of the abusive tactics that DataBasix had employed (see URL at the bottom), including a situation where Belinda Bryan attempted to impersonate an attorney in demanding that Jeff turn over all of his user logs to DataBasix. As it turns out, Mr. Burchell wisely kept no such logs, but what use do you suppose Gary might found for the e-mail addresses contained in those logs, had he succeeded in obtaining them? When Gary uses you as an excuse to try and violate my privacy and that of other remailer users, then it becomes my business.
Am I making myself clear? Butt out. When I need you, I'll let you know. In the meantime, fight your own fights.
That's exactly what I'm doing. And I'd suggest that you do likewise. If you have reasonable cause to believe that Gary Burnore would resort to violence against you, then take any and all necessary steps to protect yourself. But don't expect everyone else to shut up in an attempt to appease Burnore. If and when he chooses another pretext to attack the right to speak freely on the net, then I'll challenge him on that. Don't flatter yourself in thinking that this is primarily about you. Gary is a CONTROL FREAK. He has some underlying need to control what's said on the net. When he can't refute the MESSAGE, he attempts to punish the MESSENGER. While you certainly saw that happen in your case, you're far from unique. And when the MESSENGER is beyond his reach (posting anonymously or whatever), he attacks the CHANNELS of communication instead. When one such attack affected me, then it became my business. (A later search in DejaNews confirmed that I was not the first anonymous poster to draw file from Gary Burnore.) Involving you in this is Gary's choice, not mine. When he makes claims such as "Ron Guilmette used an anonymous remailer to forge my name", or "rfg sent anonymous letters to harass a teenage girl with a web page at DataBasix" in order to attack remailers, then you've just become unwittingly involved in the debate. Ignoring Gary and his provocations doesn't work, because he goes out of his way to pick fights with other remailer users. For example, he recently butted into a thread over on alt.privacy.anon-server with an anti-remailer tirade. Someone merely posted a technical question about how to do something with a remailer interface software package and was treated to a "reply" about how remailers were being used by you to "spam bait" him. In fact, he did this with two different threads. If you haven't been following that saga, I'd invite you to read Jeff Burchell's account of Gary Burnore, Belinda Bryan, and Billy McClatchie's attacks on his remailers at: http://infinity.nus.sg/cypherpunks/dir.archive-97.11.13-97.11.19/0432.html If you come up with a way to prevent similar future attacks by Gary Burnore, then please share it.