Now if they'll send me the check... :-) About two months ago, I wrote an 'Idees Fortes' piece for Wired. It's about digital bearer bonds. If I remember the title, it's something like "The Internet as Buttonwood Tree". You guys have heard most of it from me before. Thus, as usual, it is, again, TiReD... People tell me it's in the latest issue, which is out now, but I haven't gone looking for it on the newstand yet. Maybe they'll send me a clipping. With the check. Did I tell you they haven't sent the check. That's a recurring problem with me lately... Maybe I should update my non-repudiation rant... You shoulda seen the first version. Or, maybe you did... I can't remember. The editor said something about it being too out there, or something like that. For WiReD?... ;-) It's late. I'm going to sleep. Cheers, Bob Hettinga ----------------- Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com) e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "'Bart Bucks' are not legal tender." -- Punishment, 100 times on a chalkboard, for Bart Simpson The e$ Home Page: http://www.vmeng.com/rah/