nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) writes:
Remember how Sameer Parekh's C2Net used to try to peddle a "privacy ISP" because he failed miserable and diversified into peddiling shitty software and making idiotic legal threats? He happily pulled plugs bases on content, while at the same time stating in court papers that he doesn't censor conte What a pathological liar. I suppose you can back up your claim with documentation. What court document are you referring as evidence that Sameer Parekh is a pathological liar?
I refer, inter alia, to the smelly Arab pulling the plug on netscum@c2.net back when c2 peddling "privacy". The following is from Parekh's own net.scum page: ]Sameer Parekh, sameer@c2.net, pulled the plug on the Net.Scum pages because ]he did not like their content. At about the same time Sameer was sued by the ]Software Publishers Association because his computer was being used by ]his friends to distribute pirated software. Sameer claimed in court papers ]that he exercises no control over his users' contents. He clearly lied: ] ]>From sameer Thu Oct 24 10: 34:59 1996 ]>Received: (from sameer@localhost) by blacklodge.c2.net (8.7.6/8.7.3) id ]>KAA05716; Thu, 24 Oct 1996 10:34:58 -0700 (PDT) ]>From: sameer <sameer@c2.net> ]>Message-Id: <199610241734.KAA05716@blacklodge.c2.net> ]>Subject: Re: www.c2.net/~netscum/mayt0.html ]>To: netscum@c2.net ]>Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 10:34:58 -0700 (PDT) ]>Cc: sameer@c2.net ]>In-Reply-To: <3279b6dd.124287235@mail.c2.net> from "netscum@c2.net" at "Oct ]> 24, 96 00:26:22 am" ]>X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL22 (25)] ]>MIME-Version: 1.0 ]>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3DUS-ASCII ]>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ]> ]> I'm sorry. If you don't remove the illegal web pages we're ]>going to be forced to shut off your account. ]> ]>> Dear Sameer, ]>> ]>> What was reported to you was mistaken. The referenced page contains no ]>> libel, and all the claims therein are factually correct and can be proved ]>> easily by browing public documents in DejaNews and AltaVista. ]>> ]>> Good luck in your SPA lawsuit!! ]>> ]>> ]>> On Wed, 23 Oct 1996 12:41:53 -0700 (PDT), sameer <sameer@c2.net> posted: ]>> ]>> > The URL in the subject (http://www.c2.net/~netscum/mayt0.html) ]>> > was reported to us as illegal libel. Please note that our policies ]>> > forbid any illegal activity on the site. Please remove this page as ]>> > soon as possible. Thank you. ]>> > ]>> > -- ]>> > Sameer Parekh Voice: ]>> 510-986-8770 ]>> > C2Net FAX: ]>> 510-986-8777 ]>> > The Internet Privacy Provider ]>> > http://www.c2.net/ sameer@c2.net ]>> > ]>> ]> ]> ]>-- ]>Sameer Parekh Voice: 510-986-8770 ]>C2Net FAX: 510-986-8777 ]>The Internet Privacy Provider ]>http://www.c2.net/ sameer@c2.net Note that Parekh pulled netscum's plug in October, 1996, because he didn't like the contents of a web page critical of Timmy C. May, If you review the Cyperpunks archives from that time, you will see that Parekh was being sued by the Software Publishers Association, was whining all over the mailing list and asking for "petitions" in his defense, and was claiming that he exercises no control over the content on C2net. Is that proof enough for you that the smelly Arab is a pathological liar? --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps