At 12:55 AM 6/18/96 -0700, Lucky Green wrote:
At 17:21 6/17/96, M.Wagoner (1 wrote:
We would like someone to be able or should I say try and crack our encryption. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Sigh. Yet another one...
Unless you make source code available, you will be at best ignored, and at worst sued by users of your product should they discover that your unbreakable encryption isn't so unbreakable after all. Unless you use a hardware RNG and OTPs, your statement that it is impossible to break your encryption software is simply false
Don't even assume that hardware RNGs and OTPs by themselves make a system unbreakable. Go see NSA's web site on the Verona intercepts to see what people who know what they are doing can do when users slip up using a OTP system. http://www.nsa.gov:8080/ I'm with Lucky (and many others) 100% on this one. Snake Oil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Frantz | The Internet may fairly be | Periwinkle -- Consulting (408)356-8506 | regarded as a never-ending | 16345 Englewood Ave. frantz@netcom.com | worldwide conversation. | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA