Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.netcom.com> says:
..Do you agree that sites that deliberately mislabel their content, will eventually face legal action? If so, then PICS should not be considered truly voluntary.
I think that most of the PICS labels that are on web pages will be those generated by scripts from groups like RSACi. (http://www.rsac.org) These groups have contracts that require you to not lie when you fill out their questionnaires, and if you do lie, you are in breach of contract and should expect to be sued by them. These companies should create a cryptographic signature for their labels, I'm really surprised that RSACi doesn't do that yet; I don't know if other PICS labelers do. If you just make up your own PICS label, then I can't believe that you would have any problems saying whatever you want. Of course, it's likely that most of the Surfwatch type programs will have options to block all pages without a well-known label attached to it, and this will probably be the default in a couple of years. If this is the way it works out, then I'd consider this voluntary. I think that this is the way it will work out, too. thad -- Thaddeus Beier thad@hammerhead.com Visual Effects Supervisor 408) 287-6770 Hammerhead Productions http://www.got.net/people/thad