<http://www.shmoocon.org/schedule.html> Day 1 - Feb 4 Time "Break It!" "Build It!" "BoF It!" 1500 Registration 1600 "Opening Remarks, Yet-Another-Rant, and Your Pre-Con Pep-Talk" Bruce Potter The Shmoo Group 1700 "IDS Gone Bad" Cazz The Shmoo Group 1800 "The Clue Enforcers" Rodney Thayer The Shmoo Group 1900 Hack or Halo Preview 2000 " " 2100 " " Day 2 - Feb 5 Time "Break It!" "Build It!" "BoF It!" 0800 Registration 0930 Keynote Riley "Caezar" Eller CoCo Communications Corp. 1000 TBA Dan Kaminsky Avaya "Linksys WRT54G / WRT54GS 'Magical transformation into a useful piece of equipment or a brick'" Sysmin and Quigon "Low-Latency Anonymizing Networks" BoF Roger Dingledine Tor 1100 "Ph0wned: Phreaking in the 21st Century" Lance James Secure Science Corporation and Lucky225 "Automated WarSpying" Frank "Thorn" Thornton "Practical Privacy and Anonymity for Hackers" BoF Simple Nomad 1200 Lunch Break 1300 "The Secret Lives of Photons" Abaddon "CUTLASS - Encrypted, Peer-to-Peer Communications for Everyone" Todd MacDermid, Jack Lloyd, Kathy Wang, and Nash Foster Syn Ack Labs "Avoiding the Mis-management of Patch Management" BoF Tina Bird InfoExpress 1400 "Old Skewl Hacking: Infra Red - MMIrDA (Major Malfunction's Infra Red Discovery Application)" Major Malfunction "Reconstructing Root Fu; A post-mortem" Peter "Divide" Zdebski Ghetto Hackers "Information wants to be free, but programmers want to eat." BoF Jon Callas PGP Corporation 1500 "Frustrating Automated Static Analysis of Binaries" Pusscat Ghetto Hackers "Design and Implementation of a Wireless IDS" Laurent Butti and Franck Veysset France Telecom "Quantitative Risk Assessments - possible or crack dream?" BoF Toby Kohlenberg Intel Corporation 1600 "/applied cryptography/? oh, i skimmed through that book once." Seth Hardy "High-Speed Computing & Co-Processing with FPGAs" h1kari Dachb0den Research Labs "Reverse Engineering for Fun and BoF It!" BoF Chris Eagle Naval Postgraduate School 1700 Dinner Break 1800 Hack or Halo Sign-Up On-Site BoF #1 1900 " " Sign-Up On-Site BoF #2 2000 " " Sign-Up On-Site BoF #3 2100 2200 Speaker Party 2300 " " Day 3 - Feb 6 Time "Break It!" "Build It!" "BoF It!" 0900 "Binary Difference Analysis via Phase Cancellation" Joe Stewart and Mike Wisener LURHQ "The Warpack: perverting wearable computing on a budget" RenderMan "Lockpicking 101" BoF Deviant Ollam 1000 "Automated Blind SQL Exploitation" Nummish "Building Target-based IDS: Snort on the Move" Martin Roesch Sourcefire "Evidence-based Security Assessment" BoF Crispin Cowan, Adam Shostack, Al Potter, and Ed Reed 1100 "Google Hacking" Johnny Long "Intrusion Prevention and Application Security: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" Crispin Cowan Immunix "Zen and The Relevance of Perception to Cyber Security, or, When is a Network Not a Network?" BoF Richard Thieme 1200 "The Evils of XSS: Its not just for cookies anymore" Anton Rager "Trike's Automatic Threat Generation" Brenda "0wn the C0n!" BoF Beetle The Shmoo Group 1300 "Closing Remarks, and Your Last Chance to Throw Shmooballs" Bruce Potter The Shmoo Group news about registration cfp program schedule location sponsors links contact us . privacy policy )2004, The Shmoo Group -- ----------------- R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah@ibuc.com> The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'