But who cares? Cypherpunks write code! We know that we need to get the tools out. Deployment wins.
So let's not get hung up on the events in DC. Don't call your Senator. Don't waste time reading "policy posts". Write code!
This sums up my own sentiments entirely. People don`t realise that there is just no way to prevent a bill from passing if the government wants it to pass, and also I find the idea of bargaining with poloticians distasteful.
We have monumental tasks ahead of us. Anon remailers exist today. A way of reliably receiving anon email will be deployed this year. Web anonymizers that truly conceal your identity are in limited beta.
Does www.anonymizer.com run at a decent speed within the US? I tried to use it from here yesterday to get past the IP address cheching for the export page on www.netscape.com, and it was too slow (just stalled on about 1k) Datacomms Technologies data security Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk Paul@crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul@cryptography.uk.eu.org Http://www.cryptography.home.ml.org/ Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85 "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"