Summary: Digimarc and Live Picture, Inc., team up to offer watermarking services. || ``Until very recently, the creative community was extremely skeptical of || licensing and marketing their work over the Web, which they viewed as an || absolute free-for-all,'' said Doug Dawirs, director of online services at || The Workbook. ``Now these same people and companies are jumping in with || both feet.'' I hope no content creators mistakenly think that this is electronic content protection (possibly, one can say an aid to detect _unintentional_ illicit use, but not intentional theft), or else there will be a free-for-all of a legal kind a little further down the road. I also wonder about the proposed batch processing option, embedding the same watermark into multiple images. I can see a number of security problems here, especially if Live Picture can not (likely) keep track of all the images marked by them. =Xcott