17 Dec
17 Dec
11:17 p.m.
At 05:43 PM 7/4/96 -0700, Timothy C. May wrote:
Anyway, I should point out that Mormons (or Latter Day Saints, I guess) are spreading quickly around the world...all WITHOUT using "conversion by the sword," as some other well-known religions are wont to do.
Perhaps you've read this before (or it's even been mentioned here before) but an excellent book exists that discusses some of the points you touch upon (suicide, martyrs, religion (meme) propagation). See Bloom, "The Lucifer Principle." _______________________ Regards, He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. Joseph Reagle http://rpcp.mit.edu/~reagle/home.html reagle@mit.edu E0 D5 B2 05 B6 12 DA 65 BE 4D E3 C1 6A 66 25 4E