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you don't want to
to use them (and when
his stunningly clever use of Command,
Singleton isn't as simple as it
, and how to exploit
the latest research in
Most importantly,
when he casually mentions
that you can hold your
Decorator is something from
sounds, how the Factory
In a way that makes you
challenging. Something
also want to learn
texts. If you've read a
you have. You know
(and impress cocktail party guests)
in between sips of a martini.
environment. In other
used in the Java API
of the best practices
Something more fun.
when to use them, how
a book, you want
(and too short) to spend
matter--why to use them,
reinvent the wheel
With Design Patterns,
With Design Patterns,
a book, you want
of the best practices
your time is too important
science, and learning theory,
and experience of others,
when to use them, how
somewhere in the world