Greetings! I am looking for people who are serious about making money in network marketing. I would like to request the chance to send you information on the company that I promote. If you are completely happy where you are right now, then I simply wish you the best.Are you really making money? WHAT ABOUT YOUR DOWNLINE? If you are in any way dissatisfied or disappointed with your experience in the network marketing industry, please email me back so I can send you some information that could be the turning point in your networking efforts. If you would like to learn more about a company that is leading this industry in the right direction, please send a reply email back with"More Info" in the subject line. God Bless, Renee @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Required Sender Information: Imagetech Pob 1167 Atlantic Beach, N C 28512 919.493.3898 Further mailings to you may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply with REMOVE as the subj