On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 01:01:57 -0500, Dave Emery <die@dieconsulting.com> wrote:
... In fact the greater hazard may sometimes be from red, yellow or green LEDs on the front of equipment that are directly driven with real data in order to allow troubleshooting - recovering data from one of those at a distance using a good telescope may be possible and most people don't think of the gentle flicker of the LED as carrying actual information that could be intercepted.
Like this classic. Was just as much fun to reread as it was the first time. :) http://www.google.ca/search?q=cache:YdHPMAbPMeAJ:www.applied-math.org/optical_tempest.pdf+black+tape+over+modem+lights+tempest&hl=en&client=firefox http://www.applied-math.org/optical_tempest.pdf -- GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?