Mr. Choate said: " ." ~ First, I like to think the 1st Amendment includes the right to _receive_ anonymously, as well as send/publish -- which implicates anonymous digital cash. Second, sounds like _Lamont_, but it's content-neutral on its face. In _Lamont_ the postal tried to make people "sign up" in order to receive communist propaganda. Not surprisingly, people hesitated.... LAMONT @ &page=301. They will argue the statute is content-neutral, aimed at secondary effects, and withstands intermediate scrutiny.... RENTON @ &page=41 Regarding ID requirements and ID as "content".... MILLER @ MCINTYRE @ If they can't get in the constitutional front door, there's always the back. <epiphany>... that would be why "cypherpunks write code;" what Mr. Back was trying to impart to me. Ah. Aimee E. Farr, Esq. Law Office Of Aimee E. Farr 5400 Bosque, Suite 675 Waco, Texas 76710-4418 office: 254.751.0030 fax: 254.751.0963