See for the latest. My favorite excerpt:
Illinois State Police feared that any progress in getting Allen - who's suspected to suffer from paranoia, delusions and suicidal thoughts - to exit on her own may have been undone. On Sunday, troopers broke out most of the remaining windows in Allen's house, tossed nine pepper-spray grenades inside and sent a police dog in to subdue Allen.
All the tactics failed: Allen fired what police believe was a small-caliber handgun as troopers inserted mirrors into her house to look around, she apparently huddled in a bathroom to ward off the pepper spray, and she shot the police dog through the mouth.
Police movement toward the house was sparked by a long silence inside. Despite sophisticated surveillance and listening devices monitoring the house, Allen hadn't been seen or heard since 1 p.m. Saturday, McDonald said (not 1 a.m. as previously reported). Troopers wanted to see if she had collapsed or fallen ill.
Should similar circumstances arise again, police may try different tactics to check Allen's health. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Oh! They were checking her health! Of course. -- Jeff