--- "Trei, Peter" <ptrei@rsasecurity.com> wrote:
Seeing as it comes out of the TCG, this is almost certainly the enabling hardware for Palladium/NGSCB. Its a part of your computer which you may not have full control over.
Well we all know that having complete control over one's own computer is far too dangerous. Obviously, it would be best if computers, operating systems, and application software had proprietary back-doors that would enable the secret police to arbitrarily monitor the all goes on in the suspicious and dark recesses of memory and the CPU. Hell, I trust the secret police to use such capabilities for moral and legitimate purposes only, and as we all know the people who become secret police are of the best and brightest stock of humanity and will allways act in the best interests of mankind. Corruption and fraud among such elites will be impossible, particularly if current standards of law and morality continue to be applied with the consistency we are now accustomed to. Personally, I have no fear that you, the members of this group, who I am barely qualified to address online, and who represent some of the best people the Internet has to offer, would not be the ones best suited to control the computing infrastructure of the Earth's people. And in that vein, I offer the following job tip as a token of my confidence. In today's Globe and Mail newspaper there is an advertisment from the CSE (Communications Security Establishment, for those who are not familiar with the lesser known TLA's) in which they relate that they are soliciting new team members: "We are the Communications Security Establishment, a member agency of Canada's security and intelligence team. CSE acquires and provides forign signals intelligence and provides advice, guidance and services to help insure the protection of Government of Canada electronic information. CSE also provides assistance to federal law enforcement and security agencies. We offer a stimulating work environment, state-of-the- art technology, competative salaries, and an opportunity to make a difference. ENGINEERS - hardware design - wireless - computers and network security - test and verification - project management ANALYSTS - intelligence - linguistic (Asian, Middle Eastern and European languages) - systems - financial - human resources - policy - network COMPUTER SCIENCE SPECIALISTS - LAN/WAN administration (UNIX/WINDOWS) - programmer analysts (C/C++, Java) - computer and network security - project management MATHEMATICIANS - cryptography and cryptanalysis - diverse theoretical and applied areas of mathematics - optimization, numerical and computational methods Requirements: ------------- Postions in our organisation will be of interest to those with a post-secondary education and/or experience in: engineering, mathematics, computer science, language studies, political science, business, economics or accounting. You must be a Canadian citizen and eligable for a top secret security clearance. positions are located in Ottawa. CSE is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals, including women, mempers of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities. It sounds so good that I would certainly consider applying myself if it were not for the fact that I love my current occupation as slave and chew-toy for the privilaged and beautifle so very much. For those of you who are not canadian citizens, I can let you in on a little secret. CSIS doesn't check all that closely when they do their security clearance background investigations, and so you can just tell them you forgot your ID in your other suit when they ask for it. By all accounts, the pay is great as are the fringe benefits. Loot confiscated as a part of legitimate intelligence excercises and operations are generally made available on a first-come, first- serve basis to employees in good standing. Other benefits include super-human abilities and powers unavailable to normal human beings. All in all, it sounds like a great place to work. Good luck to any of you who apply. Regards, Steve ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca