In <D104150098E6D111B7830000F8D90AE8017958@exna02.securitydynamics.com>, on 08/10/98 at 02:56 PM, "Trei, Peter" <ptrei@securitydynamics.com> said:
There is an utter cluelessness here which assumes that there is and/or should be a strong corrospondence between an individual, a physical location, and an email address. This is not suprising, considering that this is from the Post Office, which is mired a 19th century concept of what constitutes 'mail'.
I suspect that the PO will want to be able to charge for all mail sent to these addresses. The miserable failure of the USPS to generate any interest in their offer to 'frank' email (for a price) may play into this.
Once everyone has an government registered email address, it will be a simple matter to forbid the use of uncontrolled email addresses (for either sending or receiving) at least within the US. It's to be expected that government agencies will refuse to send to any other address.
In my opinion, the proper response of the USPS to competition from email and parcel delivery services would be to wind down USPS operations. There is no longer a critical need for a protected monopoly in postal delivery.
Well this is the last thing the USPS wants to do (power corrupts and all that) and they have a few congress critters on their side. A while back they had the postmaster general on C-Span giving his yearly report to congress. USPS is scared to death of the internet and have been scrambling around trying to find a way to generate revenue from it. Back then they were talking about establishing USPS as a national CA and a center for certified e-mail. I guess they realized that there is no way they can compete in the marketplace and the only thing to do is to force their system on everyone. Now enter the usual suspects and their agenda: Mandate USPS e-mail addresses for everyone. Mandate National Electronic ID's (security measure for USPS e-mail). Mandate use of National CA for ID's (run by USPS). Mandate GAK for all e-mail on the USPS system. Mandate all communication to & from government use USPS system. *Big* tax increase to pay for it all with plenty of pork to go round. Hell in a few years you will have them whining and crying that computer ownership is a "right" and we need to *pay* for all those welfare bums to have one (how else will they get their mail?). At a very minimum every post office will be set up with public computer terminals so people can get their mail. Many of the unusual suspects that will go along with this plan will be from the states like Alaska, Idaho, North Dakota, ...ect who are fearful that their constituents will actually have to pay a fair price to have mail and packages delivered to bum-fuck nowhere. I don't recall the name but one of the critter from Alaska was very upset that if USPS looses it's monopoly delivery in Alaska would no longer be subsidized and that they might have to pay market value to have packages delivered by plane to the far reaches of the wilderness (god forbid!!). -- --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III http://www.openpgp.net Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 5.0 at: http://www.openpgp.net/pgp.html ---------------------------------------------------------------