On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 10:04:42AM -0500, John Young wrote:
The deals negotiated among WL and the MSM will make great reading in the slacker colleges someday but not so long as they are laying golden eggs. Off the grid is where the real money flows. As is often yelled in this very iniquitous den.
A friend mentioned this discussion to me, and, egads, I found out I'm still subscribed to this list after all these years. John Young is more right than he knows (or, being John, he may know more about this than the rest of us). This Vanity Fair article posted a few hours ago makes for some interesting reading about the carefully curated, not always civil, relationship between WL and the MSM: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2011/02/the-guardian-201102?prin... -Declan