Oh, and at least read the whole article. -Declan Privacy? What Privacy? by Declan McCullagh June 12, 1997 I have a confession to make: Unlike many of my civil libertarian colleagues, I believe you have no general right to privacy online. Sure, you have the right to protect your personal data, but you shouldn't be able to stop someone else from passing along that information if you let it leave your computer. That's your responsibility. So you can imagine my dismay when I learned I'd be sitting through four full days of Federal Trade Commission hearings this week on Internet privacy. The commission's goal? To define "privacy rights" for the Net -- and to be perhaps the first federal agency to regulate it. The commissioners are being spurred on by consumer groups that want the government to bar firms from collecting information about your online wanderings. Businesses say that such a rule would stifle Internet advertising and commerce and have recently released a flurry of self-regulatory proposals. "At what point do we trigger some concern?" FTC Commissioner Christine Varney asked on Tuesday, the first day of the hearing. "Is there any circumstance under which access to the information that exists should be restricted?" Evan Hendricks from Privacy Times responded: "We see there's a huge problem developing with personal information over the Internet." EPIC's Marc Rotenberg added later: "We are selling information today that 10 years ago would not be bought and sold. The law has not kept up with these developments." Yet this misses the point. Protecting your personal privacy online is your responsibility. Turn off cookies. Don't give out your home address. Educate your children. Use the Anonymizer. Stay away from web sites you don't trust. You, not the federal government, should make these decisions. Which is one reason why I think there is no general right to privacy -- at least as the consumer groups and privacy advocates describe it. Rotenberg likes to say "Privacy is not an absolute right, but a fundamental right." But in truth, privacy is not a right but a preference: Some people want more of it than others. Of course there's an essential right to privacy from the government. (Beware government databases: Nazis used census data in Germany and Holland to track down and eliminate undesirables.) You also have a right to privacy from Peeping Toms. But -- no matter how much big-government fetishists want this to be true -- you don't own information about yourself. After all, journalists are able to investigate someone's private life and publish an article -- even if it contains embarrassing personal details. This is a good thing: Any restrictions would weaken the First Amendment. Then there's gossip, which is a time-honored way of trading in others' personal information. "The reindeer-herding Lapps, for whom theft of livestock is easy and common, gossip about who has stolen which animal and where they are," sociologist Sally Engle Merry writes. "Fencing off information behind a newly-created wall of 'privacy rights' has obvious free speech implications," says Solveig Bernstein, a lawyer at the Cato Institute. "The government has no business telling private firms whether they can share information about events and people." Fortunately, you have some options. Say you walk into Radio Shack and that teenager behind the counter wants your home address. You have three choices: Convince the guy he doesn't need it, ask the government to force him not to require it -- or leave. Yes, leave. The same with a virtual storefront on a web site. If you don't like what information it records about you, or you're unsure about its privacy policies, take your browser elsewhere. Vote with your mouse button. New technologies will make this easy. Yesterday at the FTC hearing the Electronic Frontier Foundation unveiled TRUSTe, which is a privacy rating system for web sites where three types of icons indicate what a web site does with your personal information. Firms display the appropriate icon and agree to spot checks and audits to ensure they comply. "We're trying to foster honesty, not regulation. We're trying to foster the ability of the consumer to make a choice," EFF chairman Esther Dyson said. "If companies find people don't want to do business with them because of free exchange, they'll offer that option." That's exactly right, and that's why TRUSTe is such a good idea. Unlike FTC regulations that end at national borders, TRUSTe's icons can appear on overseas sites and foster electronic commerce globally. Indeed, most Americans prefer nongovernmental solutions. A Lou Harris survey announced yesterday said 70 percent of the public believes the private sector, not the feds, should take the lead in protecting privacy online. "By 2 to 1 the responses say business is more likely to be trusted to do good in this area," says pollster Stanley Greenberg. "When asked about a privacy commission that would take a regulatory approach, two thirds were against such a measure." But somehow, I doubt the FTC will take the hint. *