http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,575821,00.html (second article down) So much for conspiracy theory - maybe that's the best image of bin Laden they could find. The ramifications for poor Ernie, however, aren't so amusing. - dan On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 01:47:16PM -0700, Optimizzin Al-gorithm wrote:
At 12:40 PM 10/18/01 -0700, auto301094@hushmail.com wrote:
Expert Warns Al Qaeda Planning Major Biological Attack
DefenseWatch: One of the illustrations shows Osama bin Laden next to a
character from Sesame Street. What significance does that image have?
The Sesame Street character that has appeared in a huge poster with Osama bin Laden is significant in that it is yellow and has a mask-like quality. And one can be certain that it was not placed on that huge poster by accident, as some people have stupidly suggested. It is a signal.
Bert Stego? Occam's razor, dude.
Robert Koontz is an experimental nuclear physicist who earned his Ph.D. in 1980 at the University of Maryland. His specialties are experimental nuclear
physics and high-energy physics, but he is also an expert in certain areas of electronics, computer systems, software development and matters relating to electronic intelligence gathering. Koontz has been a Staff Scientist at the Department of Energys Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, a Professor of Physics at the University of South Dakota, and formerly was an instructor at the National Security Agency.He lives in Pennsylvania.
He might be smart, and the rest of what he says is interesting, but he has paranoid delusions W.R.T. Bert.