Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
Llywarch Hen <ecgwulf@worldnet.att.net> writes:
25 mil under Mao, 8 mil under Hitler, and so on.
I'm not sure where you got these figures... Hitler had 12 million people killed in death camps alone, about half of whom were Jews. I've heard estimates of 100 mil killed during the cultural revolution alone. This doesn't even begin to include the _war dead, which would be relevant to your thread.
As for historical parallels, these guys were pussies compared to the Mongol invasions, or for that matter Roman conquests.
In Iran, Chenghis Khan killed 30 millions out of 40 who previously lived there. It basically proves that people now are no better and no worse than people then. Really, there is no reason for things to be otherwise. Similarly, I do not uderstand why futurists paint so rosy pictures of the 21st century. I think that it will be at least just as full of shit as this one. - Igor.