At 03:28 PM 10/12/98 -0700, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
From: believer@telepath.com Subject: IP: Tracking: Machines to Check Airline Bags Mostly Idle, Report
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 08:03:44 -0500 To: believer@telepath.com
Auditors also said that the machines in use could handle only about half as many bags as they did in lab tests, partly because they sound false alarms far more when in use at airports. Each false alarm requires time to resolve. (All alarms so far have been false, officials said, because no bombs have been detected.)
Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but including the TWA flight that precipitated this mess, isn't it true that for the last 20 years or so no bombs have been known to get onto planes in the US even without the bomb detectors? -- Robert Costner Phone: (770) 512-8746 Electronic Frontiers Georgia mailto:pooh@efga.org http://www.efga.org/ run PGP 5.0 for my public key