On Sat, 11 Sep 93 14:15:46 -0700, <uunet!soda.berkeley.edu!nobody> wrote -
In fact, there is at least one NSA agent on this list. Whether he/she is on our side or not, who knows? This message, a defense of the NSA, was posted here not long ago. I don't know if anyone else noticed this at the time, but take a look:
*From: IN%"remail@tamsun.tamu.edu" 28-AUG-1993 06:02:47.29 *To: IN%"cypherpunks@toad.com" *CC: *Subj: NSA & the Crypto-Zionist Myth of "Public Key"!
*>I'm rather surprised that the most significant piece of evidence *>in favor of the "NSA has cracked PGP" theory is that no one's put *>a bullet through Phil Zimmerman's head. * *Excuse me, but I'm getting tired of this silly paranoia. NSA *is not Evil Incarnate Central, and we are not fighting a Valiant War ==
We? WE! Do you suppose that was a Freudian slip, or did he mean to say it like that? Whoever he is, he works for the NSA. Did anyone else notice this at the time?
I went back through my archives and read this message; actually the context in which it was written could be construed that "we" is either party (NSA or Cypherpunks). After re- reading the remainder of his (or her) post, I think he's right for the most part. Messages containing hype (like yours, that I told myself I wasn't going to respond to) consist of much more paranoia than substance. Paul Ferguson | privacy \'pri-va-see\ n, pl, -cies; Mindbank Consulting Group | 1: the quality or state of being apart Fairfax, Virginia USA | from others 2: secrecy fergp@sytex.com | ferguson@icp.net | Privacy -- Use it or lose it.