A few more Tor questions.. Are there yet commercial Tor web hosters? How much would this cost vs hosting one's own node? Since I assume the website actually resides on a single node, there is the slight problem of the node owner knowing, at least, that he had been paid to host X sites, on such-and-such dates...not optimal of course but not everyone in the world is going to want to run a Tor node just to put a site up (like me). Also, there -is- a one-to-one mapping between Tor nodes and Tor-hosted sites, no? It's not like a site is cryptographically split into quasi-redundant pieces, placed on random servers, and then assembled on the fly when there's a request, right? Can Tor support such a thing in the future? (eg, Website file A is split into N partially redudant pieces and sent to N servers...the website can still be retrieved from any M pieces, where N<=M.) -TD