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Subject: Re: Lock and Load (fwd) Date: Tue, 23 Dec 97 01:45:53 -0500 From: "Brian B. Riley" <>
Would you be so kind as to give a specific example of a bolt action, semi-automatic, or automatic rifle that can't be loaded on safe? I have never seen a rifle that wouldn't allow this.
Remington Model 8 semi-automatic rifle (circa 1905-1930+) there is one (high three digit serial number made in 1906) chambered in .35 Remington on the wall about 30 feet from where I am sitting. It's safety is right side mounted and not only blocks the trigger but locks the bolt forward both internally and externally by blocking track for the bolt handle, it must be off to draw the bolt back to load the internal five round pushdown magazine.
Right mounted safety? Sounds like a lefties gun. Safeties are usualy thumb tripped which means they are on the left. The idea is you can safety the weapon without taking your finger from the trigger. That could explain the loading problem, guns built for lefties typicaly have all kinds of weird handling issues. It sounds to me like a real nightmare to load and use in the bush since you have to take your hand off the gun in order to get the safety off while you load another round while cycling the bolt through its action - eliminates snap shots that's for shure. Do you know if it is a lefty build? If so then it clearly isn't a military grade weapon since they are ubiquitously designed for right handed firers (at least until the last 20 yrs. or so). Once the clip is in place, top feed since you said "push down", does the safety prevent the cycling of ammo through the breech? Does it use a stripper clip or a carrier? You don't happen to know the type of action? Is this a military grade weapon or sport?
A parallel pistol example would be nice too, if you're so inclined.
I don't know of any pistols .... except that in the case of the ubiquitous military .45 (1911A1) while one can easily insert a magazine with the gun on safe, it isn't truly loaded til a round is chambered which involves coming out of safe to rack the slide
Interesting since the 1911 I use doesn't exhibit this ... I don't have a problem loading it irrespecitive of the safety. If the safety is on the hammer is blocked from the bottem by a lever. You can put ammo in it, cock it via the slide, etc. Just can't pull the trigger. Will have to look more into this... Thanks for the info. Merry Christmas! ____________________________________________________________________ | | | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make | | violent revolution inevitable. | | | | John F. Kennedy | | | | | | _____ The Armadillo Group | | ,::////;::-. Austin, Tx. USA | | /:'///// ``::>/|/ | | .', |||| `/( e\ | | -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- Jim Choate | | | | 512-451-7087 | |____________________________________________________________________|