Bay Area Cypherpunks and Extropians, Julian Dibbell's excellent article that appeared in the "Village Voice" (August 3rd, cover story) is the *cover story* as well in the latest "Metro" newspaper, the free San Jose area paper (but we get it down here in Santa Cruz as well). I have picked up a handful of these free papers, which I'll take to the Cypherpunks meeting this Saturday. But you all ought to do the same. And those not in the Bay Area may want to be on the lookout for versions of this appearing in your own community newspapers. If it was sold to "Metro," it'll probably be in other major markets as well. Plastered across the cover is this: "CODE WARRIORS New encryption software cripples the government's power to monitor our activities, eavesdrop on our conversations or read our e-mail. Soon the state may be unable to regulate business, collect taxes, spy on foreign enemies, or police criminal activity. It will be the end of government as we know it." And in the table of contents is this description of the article: "COVER STORY How will the Feds be able to control us when they won't know what the hell's going on? Simple encryption software now gives ordinary citizens the ability to keep their secrets secret--and conduct underground transactions safe from the prying eyes of government spooks and IRS agents." And the "Metro" version also differs from the "VV" version by having such paragraphs like this in 24-point type: "Untraceable digital cash transactions and a brisk commerce in trade secrets could spell doom for the corporation as we know it. Hopelessly untaxable, such crypto-markets could also sap the strength of governments." Wow! And "Gulp." I may have to get my European Community passport sooner than I had planned. Does Martinique have a Net connection? -- .......................................................................... Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero 408-688-5409 | knowledge, reputations, information markets, W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA | black markets, collapse of governments. Higher Power: 2^756839 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available. Note: I put time and money into writing this posting. I hope you enjoy it.