At 06:51 PM 12/16/2001 -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
We'll see a lot more of such antics in the "terrorism" trials of the many current detainees. They will be convicted of bullshit, like transposing two digits of their social security numbers, or failing to report they were unemployed on a savings account application. They won't be able to defend themselves on terrorism charges, because they won't be on trial for it.
Then, in the sentencing phase, the government will get to say anything it likes about the person being a terrorist, with no opposing point of view able to be presented, and the 30 year sentences will be rolled out.
That's why a functional AP system and widespread publication of the personal information of justice and LE employees is essential. For who may have transgressed and fear that late nite no-knock its essential to supply these unwanted visitors with a one way ticket to the happy hunting grounds. Claymores and far IR trip sensors are soooo good. If you're 'gona do time you might as well do THE crime!