In Message Wed, 28 Apr 93 21:31:10 MDT, Stanton McCandlish <hydra.unm.edu!anton@netcomsv.netcom.com> writes:
Due to my posts to sci.crypt and elsewhere that I was distributing PGP, I recieved the following
From: jim@RSA.COM (Jim Bidzos) To: anton@hydra.unm.edu Subject: pgp
I don't think you're aware of our position on pgp. Unfortunately, you may leave us no choice but to take legal action, which we will unless you cease promotion adn distribution of pgp. The next message will state our position.
For a guy who claims to want to help us Cypherpunks in the way of personal encryption, scare tactics seem a little out of place. I'm sure we'd all like to use legal encryption methods [maybe]... but we ARE Cypherpunks.. giving us the responsibility to use what's best and defend our rights for privacy. Using a package that hasn't been updated in 5 years [MailSafe], we have diminished to politically correct yippies. I;m not sure quite what to do.. but I saw Jim Bidzos on a magazine once.. and he looks like a fed. By playing the game we are becoming part of it. TTFN. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - DrZaphod #Don't Come Any Closer Or I'll Encrypt! - - [AC/DC] / [DnA][HP] #Xcitement thru Technology and Creativity - - [drzaphod@ncselxsi.uucp]# [MindPolice Censored This Bit] - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-