On Thu, 23 May 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:
We at LolitaWatch GMBH are amused that legislators in the United States are attempting to legislate that which can be so easily bypassed with the world-wide Internet. [...] Danish laws are not so repressive as American laws, and our American friends can so easily access our data bases of information derived from the mandatory age-labeling tags you Americans so conveniently (for us) insist upon.
Good and valid points about the CPA's hypocrisy and inanity, but this doesn't really address the bill (was it meant to?). CDA + CPA = bad. CDA = bad. CPA is still indeterminate. I recognize that criminalizing the free flow of information is like trying to stick your finger in a dike, but every little bit has an effect. In this case, I'd call it a positive effect. I was certainly disappointed to hear a couple of cypherpunks the other day discussing for-profit offshore data havens full of personal information that is illegal to collect in the US as a business opportunity *they* were interested in pursuing. I just can't see myself doing that, for anybody. Gubmint or private, doesn't matter. -rich