-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- [Cypherpunk relevance: Lemire's CD includes both US/Canadian and international versions of PGP. I say ship the CD to third-world countries with repressive racist regimes.] I told the CBC what I thought of the Wiesenthal Center's misguided campaign, and Lemire, yesterday. If you want to know more about Marc Lemire's controversial opinions, the CD I bought from him recently arrived. The man's got quite an enemies' list, with closeup GIFs of some big names. If you want a peek, remail me an encrypted note and we'll work something out. Connoisseurs of the genre will especially enjoy the commies, pictures\jews, pictures\leftists, and pictures\traitors directories. I'd prefer to upload the files to your server, since I don't currently have a spare box with 500MB disk that I can use for this. People in the SF Bay Area are welcome to borrow the CD, all 528 MB of which seems to be in the public domain. I've already copied all the files to local disk. Anyone know a place in the South Bay where I could reproduce CDs, cheap? I know I can beat his $30, but I'm not sure by how much. Like hell I want to censor this stuff. There's a lot of money to be made in racism if the price is right. Just ask Lyle Stuart. Btw, Lemire's the guy who uploaded the Zundelsite files to the mirror sites. I include my original correspondence with him, and others -- I hadn't even heard of any of these five people until I received email from them -- below. I have a lot of respect for Hilary and Thomas, who aren't liars. Pholks interested in phreaking might be interested in Lemire's story at http://www.webcom.com/ezundel/english/sirc/affidavit_of_marc_lemire.html You can listen to an interview with Lemire that I copied from his CD-ROM to http://www.c2.org/~rich/Press/intervw.wav - -rich [blue-ribbon disclaimer: it's called sarcasm, son, SARCASM] censor the internet! http://www.stanford.edu/~llurch/potw2/ boycott fadetoblack! http://www.fadetoblack.com/prquest.htm Date: Sun, 28 Jan 96 11:10 PST X-Sender: ezundel@mail.cts.com Message-Id: <v01530506ad3116a157d7@[]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: llurch@networking.stanford.edu From: ezundel@cts.com (E. Zundel) Status: RO X-Status: Hi, Rich - I just talked to Ernst, and he is very interested in your offer to mirror his site unedited. What is involved, technically? Can you do it on your own, without my involvement? I am really, really a novice at the technical side of it, and so is Ernst. He said to "absolutely go ahead" if you could do it and if you give him your word that the material would be unedited and exactly as we are putting it up - and if you had a question, to please call him at 416 - 922-9850. It is his private line, and the man _never_ sleeps! Please let me know since we don't know from day to day and even from hour to hour what will happen, what with those massive censorship guns. Are you a student at Stanford? All best, Ingrid ***** Revisionism is the great intellectual adventure at the end of the Twentieth Century. ***** Revisionismus ist das grosse intellektuelle Abenteuer am Ende des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. http://www.webcom.com/ezundel/english Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 14:34:49 -0800 From: Hilary Ostrov <hostrov@uniserve.com> Organization: myssiwyg* X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0b6a (Win95; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: rich@c2.org CC: Ken McVay <kmcvay@nizkor.almanac.bc.ca>, Jamie McCarthy <jamie@voyager.net> Subject: Your Comments in the Nizkor Guest Book X-URL: http://www.almanac.bc.ca/guest-book.html Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------29DD340FADE" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - --------------29DD340FADE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello Rich, Thanks for your comments and encouragement in the Nizkor Guest Book. Indeed you are quite correct: we most definitely agree with your position that the best response is "meticulous documentation and refutation, not censorship". And I certainly hope that others will follow your example of indicating a preference that people visit Nizkor - in fact, I find it quite sad that the media will show the way to the denial/racist sites, but neglect to point the way to Nizkor! This letter is cc'd to Nizkor Project Director, Ken McVay and Co-Webmaster, Jamie McCarthy. ____________________________ Your tireless work is greatly appreciated. I was wondering if you had any comment on Deutsche Telekom's decision to block access to webcom.com because of our "friend" Zuendel, though. From a quick look around this site, it appears that you'd be likely to agree with me that the best response is meticulous documentation and refutation, not censorship. To that end, I plan to mirror the "banned" site publicly, on as many sites as I can muster, until Deutsche Telekom gives up. I will of course point out that I'd much rather they visited your site. Rich Graves rich@c2.org http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~llurch/ January 28, 1996 ____________________________ ======================= Hilary Ostrov e-mail: hostrov@uniserve.com http://haven.uniserve.com/~hostrov/myssiwyg.html Co-Webmaster - The Nizkor Project http://www.almanac.bc.ca/ [Nutscape-enclosed HTML file skipped -- rich] Message-Id: <199601292012.PAA04388@freeside.echo-on.net> X-Sender: cpn@echo-on.net (Unverified) X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Version 1.4.4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 15:14:00 -0500 To: llurch@networking.stanford.edu From: freedom@pathcom.com (Marc Lemire) Subject: Ernst Zundel Hello my name is Marc and I am writing you on behalf of Ernst Zundel. I am wondering if this is the address (llurch@networking.stanford.edu) where I can send the commpressed Web site documents to as a 'save attached' message to? And if you had an FTP site where I could instead of sending them to you, could put them. FTP is much easier and faster. ... PS.. The entire site is about ... 30-40 megabytes. I can strip out all the Sound files which would leave the site at only maybe 3 megs. Talk to you soon. Thanks Marc Lemire From: Thomas Roessler <Thomas.Roessler@sobolev.rhein.de> Message-Id: <199601291710.SAA13359@sobolev.rhein.de> Subject: [FACTS] Germany, or "Oh no not again" To: cypherpunks@toad.com Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 18:10:09 +0100 (MET) Cc: Thomas.Roessler@sobolev.rhein.de (Thomas Roessler) Organization: Qnf eurva.qr-Xbzcybgg. Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com Precedence: bulk I had the prosecutor's spokesman on phone today. The result is that someone gave a hint to the prosecutors which explicitly mentioned Zundel, T-Online and Compuserve. Consequently, the prosecutors *had* to start investigations against Zundel, T-Online and Compuserve. In particular, they are right now *checking* whether providing internet access is a criminal offence due to the possibility to gain access to `inciting material' (the German word is `Volksverhetzung') via the Net. This means that it is not even clear whether the investigations against internet providers will be dropped or not; in fact many people believe that these investigatinos *will* be dropped. My personal guess about all this is that some net.citizens are trying to have the prosecutors engaged in absolutely absurd investigations (or, even better, achieve a court room clash on this subject) to get some clarification of the legal situation of the Net in Germany. Quite similar to the RSA T-Shirt story in the States. ,-) tlr Message-Id: <9601292205.AA10683@pathcom.com> X-Sender: freedom@pathway1.pathcom.com (Unverified) X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Version 1.4.4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 16:58:11 -0500 To: Rich Graves <llurch@networking.stanford.edu> From: freedom@pathcom.com (Marc Lemire) Subject: Re: Ernst Zundel
I'm firing up an FTP drop box on rosinante.stanford.edu right now... only takes a minute.
OK where do I FTP to (exact address). I tried to ftp to the address above and it said connection failed. Do I try to go to Stanford.edu first then to somewhere?? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks Marc ******************************************************* ** DIGITAL FREEDOM BBS ** ** Canada's most controversial BBS, access on ** ** FIRST call, 100% FREE, NOW 2.1 GIGABYTES ONLINE!! ** ** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ** ** Node 1 (416) 462-3327 28.8 V.34 ** ** Node 2 (416) 465-4767 14.4 V.42 ** ******************************************************* >>>Or try these other Internet sites<<< [WWW] [WORLD WIDE WEB] THE WORLD WIDE LIBRARY OF FREEDOM ERNST ZUNDEL'S VOICE OF FREEDOM SITE http://trend1.com/~phoenix http://www.webcom.com/~ezundel/english FRIENDS OF FREEDOM http://www.kaiwan.com/~ihrgreg/zundel http://alpha.ftcnet.com:80/ STORMFRONT - WHITE NATIONALIST PAGE ~cfsl/fof0795.htm http://stormfront.wat.com/stormfront [E-MAIL] RESISTANCE RECORDS MARC LEMIRE: marc.lemire@df.org http://www.resistance.com GREG RAVEN: ihrgreg@kaiwan.com ARYAN CRUSADER'S LIBRARY DON BLACK: dblack@jbx.com http://www.io.com/~rlogsdon HERITAGE FRONT: hf@df.org SCRIPTURES FOR AMERICA ERNST ZUNDEL ezundel@cts.com http://www.nilenet.com/~tmw/ [MAILING LISTS] Canadian Patriots Network/Digital Freedom: cpn@echo-on.net Resistance Records: resist-list@resistance.com Aryan News Agency (ANA): bf221@freenet.carleton.ca Stormfront L: stormfront-l@stormfront.org From: "Declan B. McCullagh" <declan+@CMU.EDU> To: Rich Graves <llurch@Networking.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Re: [NOISY] Deutsche Telekom <--> webcom.com "routing troubles" Message-ID: <0l3NAX200bkp0gQ7w0@andrew.cmu.edu> Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 29-Jan-96 [NOISY] Deutsche Telekom <-.. by Just Rich@c2.org
Someone please inform Deutsche Telekom and the relevant prosecutors that by the time they read this (i.e., within an hour), selected files from Zundel's holocaust-denial archives (which make me sick, but that's beside the point) will be available at the AFS path:
Rich, I'm going to mirror your site at: file:/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/declan/www/Not_By_Me_Not_My_Views/ I've just copied everything over, and now I'm creating an index page. Almost everything, that is. I only have a few megs to spare on this project; I'm already hosting the damn banned French book. - -Declan -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQBVAwUBMfRPxJNcNyVVy0jxAQFw2wIAmhXjIfeme3tSd+DV5G6FFeytUgnv5nou MtaO8SDTm8yQhTAsrhjqR/nZ42+q9bslzrt7fUjpY8Xdp6F3HedZ9Q== =vaUP -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----