One of those Ranting, Spewing, anti-Porn FemiNazis Belches:
Try as I might, I cannot forget standing on the steps of the Supreme Court building with my husband and 10 year old daughter in the freezing drizzle.
Thus the "right" of parents to subject their minor children to freezing drizzle, but not naked pictures, is affirmed.
me what this is all about, this 'fight censorship' rhetoric. It's nothing more and nothing less than a lot of egotistical, self-serving brats who absolutely refuse to grow up, including you, Declan. Don't you realize that YOU are a major reason for the downward spiral of society? Instead of trying to protect children, you want to empower them.
Actually, many of us have known for a long time that "child protection" is just a codeword for "child disempowerment." Thanks for confirming this. The parents who whine the loudest about porn are the same parents who want a Constitutional Ammendment declaring that those who do not vote have no civil liberties, that anything short of lasting physical injury is not abuse, and that the goverment has no power to interfere with the "right" of parents to do as they wish to their slaves. Fortunately, the Net is and will continue to be a level playing field, which is ability-based, and not age-based.
Even a moron knows that when you do so, that power has to be taken from someone. Unfortunately, that someone is the parent.
Perish the thought. I mean, it is inconceivable to some people that any minor inconvenience on the part of some adult is not worth entire gas chambers full of people under 18.
I have to ask myself just how many on this list have children. Not many, I would say. Someone on this list, I forget who, has made numerous attempts at convincing us that pornography 'does no harm' to children.
One wonders why the first word out of the mouth of any self-righteous scumbag sexuophobic parent when they are disagreed with is - "You obviously don't have children."
It is exactly at this point that I must draw a line. Studies have shown that an event which lasts even so much as three-tenths of a second, within five to ten minutes has produced a structural change in the brain. Exposure to porn causes actual brain damage, especially in a child.
"Change" is not the same as "damage." Of course you probably regard anyone as damaged who is not a frothing sexually inhibited lunatic like yourself.
So, keep protecting your porn-induced orgasms. That's exactly what happened with the Hitler youth, etc... After all, I'm sure it does help to blur the lines of reality.
"Puritanism" might be defined as the fear that someone, somewhere, is having a porn-induced orgasm. Stable people tend to worry about their own orgasms, and not their neighbors. Perhaps if you had a few orgasms yourself, you might lose interest in the orgasms of others. [Nonsense Deleted] Please bite my enormous throbbing love sausage with an ice cube in your mouth. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"