18 Dec
18 Dec
1:17 a.m.
At 21:46 07/06/97 +0000, Paul Bradley wrote:
After much playing with majordomo I have decided to create a UK cryptography list, I intend the list to focus on UK cryptography research, law, activism, announcements of conferences/meetings etc...
Are you familiar with the <ukcrypto@maillist.ox.ac.uk> list, which covers this field rather well already? I think it's a majordomo server, so a mail to majordomo@maillist.ox.ac.uk with the body text "subscribe ukcrypto" would get you in... Regards Rachel -- Rachel Willmer, Intertrader Ltd, 4 John's Place, Edinburgh, UK <rachel@intertrader.com> T: +44 131 555 8450 F: +44 131 555 8451 Authors of "Digital Money Online" report <http://www.intertrader.com/library/DigitalMoneyOnline>